SUPERTESTI from i5 data system on CD-ROM

Price list

Available titles:
Alessandro Manzoni: I Promessi Sposi
59.82 US$ *
39,88 EUR *
Giacomo Leopardi: Canti
59.82 US$ *
39,88 EUR *
Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust
59.82 US$ *
39,88 EUR *
9.00 US$ *
6.00 EUR *
18.00 US$ *
12.00 EUR *

*) prices without VAT (Umsatzsteuer / TVA / IVA)

Payment: by cheque or remittance on order (public institutions: 14 days after delivery).
Prices are effective November, 2007 and are subject to change without notice.

For the SUPERTESTI from i5 data system on CD-ROM, only prices in Euro can be guaranteed. The prices in US$ depend on the actual exchange rate.

for orders and additional informations please contact:

Robert Maier, Katharina Geisler-Str. 16, D-85356 Freising
Tel.: +49-8161-872007, Fax: +49-8161-82206